Haiz...really very wasted...last week din go for training camp.
That Xi Jin keep on saying vry fun vry fun....make me envy only...Sii gui
Today, still the same. Not going anywhere, but trw going for Disted Camp-E. Hopefully will be fun.
arh...Why is this holiday so long, waiting so long for school re-open. But, now it's just the second week of holiday.
Now, no one is online-ing. Dunno that Xi Jin still having nap since yesterday back from camp or not. xDD
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Posted by soon wanyi at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Another wasted day...
Today morning,7.30am, Xi Jin came to my house because she need transport to school for drama practise. We watched tv for a while, used com for a while, pumped my bike for a while. Then, Jia ying arrived. At 10.30am, we went to school.
It was quite early when we arrived school. We watched juniors marching until 11. Here comes our drama. It was quite odd because i had to act as her father because kar huey did not turn up. I didn't know what to act and what to say.
After that, Xi JIn, Jia Ying and me walked to 1 stop for KFC. We wanted to order a variety bucket, but Jia Ying said:" I dowan to eat chicken! I dowan to eat chicken!" So, she ordered a maccaroni, Xi Jin ordered Xmeal. I ordered Chicken RIce( fried Chicken + Rice) We ate and walked around there waiting for my parents to fetch us.
When my mom came, she wanted to go to Island Plaza to buy shirts for my bro, so we went to island plaza.
We went to the toys department. Ok, the things there are quite interesting as I didn't played these kind of things for a long time. After that, Jia Ying went back and there were me and Xi Jin sitting on the stage waiting for my parents. lols.
Talked about this and that.
We went back home at about 2.45. Then, her sis fetched her back at 4.30.
Listening to some music of AJ Rafael. Search for his songs in youtube. Quite nice. =D
Posted by soon wanyi at 1:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Penang Bridge International Marathon 2009
Yesterday, me,xijin,chianchyi,xinyoong went to jia ying's house to sleepover. (Because her mom's willing to fetch us at 5 something in the morning!...so good) Xin yoong and Xi Jin came to BeSmart to meet me, and my parents fetched us to Jia Ying's house together. When we reached there, it's only 4p.m. We watched Ben10 with her brother, played dominos and block games while waiting for Chian Chyi's arrival. At 5something , finally, Chian Chyi came....with hands full of...blankets, doll....
Then, Jia Ying's mom fetched us to eat dinner. Watched tv, ate snacks....and off to bed. I moved here moved there, couldn't sleep. Finally, at 2 .15 am , i slept. Woke up at 4 am. Breakfast was full! (sandwiches with sausage/ham/tuna+cheese and milo) We pin-ed our hairs and number plates and off we go to Queensbay! (it's the first time i pin-ed my hair...quite refreshing) It was about 5.45 when we reached. I saw some full-marathon runners walking towards the car park already as they had finished the marathon. Geng! Then we waited at the starting point until 6.15am.
We waited so long, and finally they announced:"READY! SET! GO!!!" Everyone were pushing here pushing there and finally we steped on the mat, and the marathon begins. As we expected, 5 of us separated. Me and Xin Yoong ran together, Jia Ying and Chian Chyi, as for Xi JIn, I didn't see her at all throughout the marathon. I saw a lot of friends while running, like Priscilla(who's aiming for her Rm50 ...xDD) ,Kai Wen, Shu Yi, Xin Jie...
The air was like so damn fresh, as there's no more whatever car or lorries or buses on the road. THE ROAD ARE OURS!!! == But, it was still very tiring. I was like a siao po shouting :"ASHIN in front, ASHIN in front..." while running, (all because of....LIEW XIN YOONG.). We both got medal for finishing the quarter marathon in 1 hour 15 minutes. woohoo~
Then, we went to hunt for 100 Plus. and went to the finishing point to wait for Chian Chyi and Jia Ying. When 5 of us finished, all of us went walking around , sit on the roundabout, took some cereals, drew some finishing lines for K.D.U.... It was quite fun although its really tiring , we will participate next year again.
Posted by soon wanyi at 2:57 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
25-10-09 一早就开车南下kl。三点多就到hotel。那个巴士司机很好笑一下的,竟然不懂路去酒店。那一天浪费了整天的时间在hotel,神经的,一直叫我们休息,吃,睡觉。。。
26-10-09 吃完早餐,午餐就去titiwangsa练习,这样子走一圈看看一个小时就带我们回酒店。过后就做了两份theory,又briefing一下,又叫我们回房休息。吃完晚餐,我们有得去hotel brisdale 去看中学pidato 的比赛,支持槟城的代表。不错,她讲得比12个洲好得多。比赛完,我们在外面的pasar malam走走。我和佳琦share了一块burger。我们差一点就要买一只乌龟熊给佩燕了。xD
27-10-09 早上是小学组的practical比赛,我们就去考theory。我做了大概15-20分钟就出来了,又叫我们回房。10点多,小学生哭哭啼啼地回来,很明显地,他们拿了很多saman。午餐后,就是我们的时候了。我们是对森美兰州,3点开始 。算了,我走了6站,得到4个saman。神经的,讲我跑,也懒得跟他吵,浪费时间罢了。过后就去支持小学pidato。晚上有ceramah还有颁奖theory比赛,pidato比赛和个人奖。槟城得了一些奖,小学pidato-第一名,中学pidato-第三名,小学行人个人奖-安慰奖,theory有一个小学生得个人奖安慰奖,我也是得theory安慰奖。真的对那个中学pidato的感到很不值。
28-10-09 那天中学是在早上比赛,比完就回酒店吃午餐。吃完有跟着小学生去比赛,可是下雨所以比赛取消。神经的,不会说带我们去shopping,还是哪里,只会带我们会酒店休息。7点多,我们就去stadium titiwangsa参加闭幕,晚餐,和颁奖典礼。回到酒店差不多11点了,结果妈妈忽然见要来载我,回到阿姨家已经1点多了。
29-10-09 6点多就醒来了,7点多出发要去巴生吃肉古茶。吃了这么多天keropok,咖喱,肉古茶显得非常好吃。过后就去茨厂街买罗汉果水回槟城,又在附近吃牛腩面。之后,妈妈要去summit看一些东西,所以就在那边的oldtown吃午餐。要会的时候,就3点多了。6点多7点才到槟城。瑞珊+我
me+jiaqi + sargeant suhaimi
me+jia qi + koperal nurizan
spot me
Posted by soon wanyi at 3:58 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
考试后的日子-- 闷
考试完了, 今天才有点心情写blog。
这几天去学校真的很闷,闷到你想到什么儿童的游戏我们都玩光了-巾鼓棒,剪刀石头布,火车火车嘟嘟嘟,snakes and ladders, 警察凶手平民,在图书馆玩hide and seek, 触电,captain ball, 海带 等等。。。
还有3 天上课日罢了,有点不舍得的感觉。
星期二就要跟朋友出去了,很期待。 欣咏,佳颖,芊琦,熹静 paise,不能跟你们去gurney。。。
Posted by soon wanyi at 11:23 PM 0 comments